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Resilience Loves...Crossing Invisible Lines

“Resilience loves…crossing invisible lines. Ooooh, this is the fun stuff. Sure, you can cross visible lines, or just live inside them, but what about the invisible lines that are keeping you “safe”, keeping you tamed, just… keeping you? And then, what you are and what you want are on a receding horizon and you don’t know why. It’s because, dearest, those things are in places you can see but across borders you don’t see, that you won’t cross. And the cost of being always across that line is…being great at chasing your mirage. Forever. It’s a pretty high cost. How long can you afford it?”

So how do you map your invisible borders, the unmapped blind spots? It’s one half curiosity and two more halves action. (Mathematics is both sacred and constantly tested.) Here we go:

  1. The prime impact of a blind spot is drama. Get ferociously curious about where it’s persistently arising around or inside you and you have the beginnings of your map. Now you’re starting to know where to add health, and likely, truth. What are you pretending not to know?

  2. Measurably dial up integrity, daring, playfulness, clear-seeing in small things. Track them in your week. (Need some DIY tools? Look here.) Check back on Fridays to see. Investing in them adds up into a pretty extraordinary year. Think about it — a year full of you as these…

  3. Choose people who see you clearly and hold you with both compassion and daring, inviting you to experience this next iteration of yourself, the cleaner and happier and messier one. The version who becomes less and less interested in how you might fail, and more and more gloriously active and alive.

We cannot control this world we live in, nor what we will experience next. There is so much we cannot control. But while pain is inevitable, additional suffering is not. Resilient selves are the magical dance with what we add, what meets the world we love and that needs each of us. And it gives us more to have given to what we love.

Feed the joy tapestry, dearests.


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